Thursday, September 16, 2010

Caulfields By the Numbers

Just a little silly post, I suppose you can say.  Maybe this will help people to get to know our family in a different way...our likes, dislikes, and just how crazy we all are! :) These are not in any particular order:

8 - number of years we've been married as of October 25

9 - years Ryan has served in the military, including Reserves and National Guard

2 - children that have been brought forth through our union

3 - states we have live in (Kansas, Tennessee, Georgia)

10 - gallons of milk we go through in a month (we are a cereal-loving bunch so that's how that happens)

8 - addresses we have resided (3 were before the kids)

11 - cars we have had since we have been married (this is the part that shows you how nuts we are).  I blame a great portion of this on Ryan (who I love dearly!).  A couple we have owned outright, but Ryan has a problem sticking with one for a long period of time.  He likes change, but I wish he would just change his haircolor or something.  Might be cheaper. :-p

4 - "first day of prek" pics I have taken of Hannah (she was in an early intervention program in KS and then another one in GA, then regular prek in GA, and then prek in TN)

16 - months Ryan has been in Iraq combining his two deployments

75 - pounds gained between the two of us since being married.  Ryan was kind enough to put on the lbs along with me while pregnant with the girls. :)

6 - weeks we have currently been homeschooling

3 - (at least) number of pairs of shoes Autumn has in the car since she always takes them off. She might be one of those barefoot runners :-p

30 - panda items Hannah owns that I am able to count in my head

2 - days under Autumn's 2nd birthday!! :D

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