Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Love how Hannah looks all prim
and proper here. :)
Long gone are the carefree days of trick or treating, going off with your friends on Halloween night for hours on end without a second thought. I think the safety concerns override the yearning to bring back such a tradition. We attended 2 trick or treating alternatives this weekend. One was at my grandma's apartment building. There wasn't a huge turnout but the kids still had fun. Emma was there, too, all in her bumble bee glory. :) Hannah was a bumble bee her first Halloween but she was 6 months old. I still have that costume somewhere...Anyway, the second was trunk or treat at our church. Last year they had about 800 kids, not including the parents, so I was bracing myself for what to expect this year. It actually wasn't too bad. We got there a little early before the crowds started. There were three bounce houses which quickly became jam-packed. The girls were excited to see their Grendy's trunk open for bsiness and frequented it more than once. :) Strangely, only the pics from church were acting up so you only get the ones from Saturday.

Hannah growling like
a polar bear

Autumn is not such an
aggressive bear.

Hooray for trick or treating at
Grammie's apartment!

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