Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Visit

Air mattress bouncing first thing
in the morning
 This past weeked my mom, grandma, sister, and niece came to visit us for the weekend. They all stayed at our house...going from 4 to 8 people made things very busy and had to make sleeping arrangements just so to make sure we all got a few hours sleep. :-p We intended to go out and about shopping or what have you, but we all felt pretty lazy and mostly stayed at the house.  It was perfectly fine with me! :) Everything seemed so quiet after they left on Sunday. Hopefully within a month or so we ourselves will venture out to visit in Clarksville again.

Saturday was also my mom's birthday, and Hannah decided she needed a bear cake. I was glad to make use of the bear pan I had from Hannah's last birthday. :) We spent the rest of the weekend grazing on pizza and birthday cake. Yum!

A few more pics from the weekend:

Autumn pulling Emma in the wagon

Getting a story from Grendy

Meagan and Mom getting in their pics

All jammied up after their splash party in the tub

Grammie and Autumn bonding over
"Llama Llama Red Pajama"

Enjoying a late breakfast at
McDonald's before everyone left

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