Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week in Review #15

The girls watching polar bear videos
 Our first week in the "new" school room! Very exciting!

 Monday - Hannah learned how to read a calender and caught on very quickly! I had a big blank calender from the Dollar Tree and "laminated" it using packaging tape so we could easily use dry erase markers on it.  Hannah filled in the numbers for January, and now every day we can go over what the date is.

Going over a geography
worksheet about the
different parts of a river

Tuesday - While I was at the gym, Ryan took the girls on a nature adventure around the pond in the backyard.  He said they looked at deer tracks, empty birds' nests, and a couple of turtles wandering around. Ah, the glorious things a homeschooled life is made of! We also finished the third Early Learner book which Hannah scored a 93% on, her best yet!

Deep concentration
 Wednesday - I intended today to be very busy and full of activity but I took a "bad mom" day and let the kids watch a bit too much Nick Jr. :-/ I had taken some Theraflu for my scratchy throat.  It made me sleepy so I opted for a nap instead of the library.  Lucky for me, the kids napped as well!  We did make it to church tonight, which I am pleased to say. Autumn was losing her mind being so cranky, but Ryan was able to get away from work and stay with her for a couple hours. I'm participating in a Bringing Up Girls bible study. I just read the book so I am most excited about this!

Lovin' some school in pjs!
 Thursday - Hannah had the sniffles for the past couple days and now she is starting to get a little feverish. I went grocery shopping so Ryan took over with a bit of school by watching more bear videos on YouTube and building with the megablocks (fattie Legos, I like to call them). I was surprised later when we actually accomplished handwriting, reading, and geography! We also got a good couple inches of snow this evening.  Not too much you're trapped inside, but enough that makes you not want to go anywhere. :)

Friday- A snow day indoors, but Caulfield Academy is still open despite the inclement weather. ;) The snow is quickly melting away, but both girls are still a little sniffly.  In honor of the snowy weather we learned about polar bears.  We even found a  video on YouTube that showed a baby polar bear being born in a snow den! Too sweet!

Yesterday we finally got outside to run around in the snow and to breath fresh air for the first time in a few days. Major cabin fever!

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