Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Daddy Workout

Mothers aren't the only ones who put on the pounds during pregnancy.  Fathers can do exactly the same--probably due to the stress of an emotional expectant mother and then an emotional stay-at-home mother. ;) But I am here with an easy workout that will help fathers get back into the shape of their now extinct bachelor days .

First, cardio is very important for heart health and fat loss.  Simply attach ratchet straps to an old piece of fence, put on a spare tire, and have the kids hop on.  Put the ratchet straps around your middle and then go crazy in the yard! Your thighs will hate you, but your kids will love you for the ride. Weight of kids may vary.  These two have a combined weight of 70 lbs plus what ever the tire weighs.

Next, it's time to tone those abs! Isn't that what made your wife fall for you in the first place? ;) Said children will sit on your mid-section, depriving you of all oxygen.  Now is the time to do as many leg raises and flutter kicks as possible.
Last but definitely not least, it's time to work on the gun show! Push ups with the extra weight will provide a bit of resistance plus another fun ride for the kids. And no girl push-ups! Be a man!

Your cool down period will consist of distracting the kids will Nick Jr. while you take a cold shower because your dear wife has used all the hot water.

Here's to a healthier you!

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