Friday, July 16, 2010

A Titanic Birthday

Back in March when I threw a little Transformers get together for Ryan's birthday, he threatened me with having a Titanic party for my birthday.  And I said "Bring it on!" LOL I shamelessly still watch and love Titanic like I did when I was 16.  Yesterday was my 28th birthday, and Ryan was true to his word as I woke up to pictures printed out of scenes from the movie when my head pasted on Kate Winslet's body (yeah, if only I look as good as her :P).  Ryan made my cake and used decorating icing to draw a ship and ice bergs.  He blew up blue and white balloons for an "ocean feel".  He even made a game--"pin the bow tie on Leonardo" complete with a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio in his tux. Very nice. ;) The whole thing was a bit silly but still very sweet.  Ryan got me a new scrapbooking reference book and new ear buds for my Blackberry because I am constantly losing mine or wearing them out from going to the gym.  My family came over for cake and ice cream and all in all it was a very nice birthday. The next birthday is Autumn's and I'm already thinking about themes and decor even though it's not until September. :D

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