Friday, July 23, 2010

More registry items

I have some more items I use on a regular basis that I would not have thought as a new mom to ask for as a baby gift.

5. Laundry basket

I'm talking about a good solid basket, not one of those flimsy Rubbermaids. Maybe some of you already thought to ask for this since it is widely known babies create a lot of laundry, but that's not the reason I'm adding it to this list. From toddlerhood on, kids love to play Race Car--plopping themselves in the basket (various stuffed animals optional) and having a parent push them around the house at high speed.  This is a position Ryan takes on at our house.  He is much better at it than me. 

6. Clorox Anywhere Spray

I've been using this since Hannah was in a high chair!  On the commercial they used it on a high chair because it's safe to use where ever food may be. I was sold--disinfect the high chair tray without the baby having to taste lemon-scented Lysol along with the pasta pick-ups.  Only between $2-$3 at your local retailer. :)

7.  Thumb drive

Be sure it's one with the highest storage possible! The use I have in mind for this is for the many pictures you will be taking of your kids, since most of us have officially gone digital with our photography.  A few years ago our computer crashed and I lost at least 2 years worth of pictures (it still makes me sick thinking about it), so I have since purchased a thumb drive which gives me a peace of mind.

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