Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where I've Been (Vaguely)

Hello all,
I know I said back in October I was on a bit of a hiatus, and I considered just totally abandoning. I haven't even logged onto Blogger since making my last post.  I got to thinking just today how much I enjoyed blogging and reading what everyone else was up to in the world of crafts, homeschooling, and just being a mom. I'd like to start posting again regularly but it will definitely be different. 

Under circumstances beyond my control, I found myself to be a single mom. It was blindsiding and utterly horrendous to say the least.  I won't go into the details, but I'm leaning on the Lord with all my might right now.  I am back in my hometown and looking for a full-time job.  Hannah is in enrolled in public school and considering the circumstances I am glad she has that to keep herself occupied.  She's doing very well and I noticed she was a little ahead in math already. ;) I will enrolled Autumn in PreK next year, and when I find a job she will stay with my grandma. I hope to just go back to posting about our every day lives and crazy things the girls do and to still incorporate homeschooling into our lives since I know it's more than the three R's. :)

I noticed all my followers are still here, and I thank you all for not deleting me after I hadn't posted for so long. :) God is good, and He will see me through this.


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