Monday, August 22, 2011

Goals This Week 8/22-8/28

Inspired by Money Saving Mom, I decided to make a list of goals to accomplish this week.

1. Do my workout at least four days this week
2. pay the water bill
3. homeschool!
4. start reading Little House on the Prairie with the girls (we watch reruns of the show every day so I thought it would be fun)
5. finish favor bags for Emma and Autumn's birthday party
6. clean kitchen floor (I go totally old school here with a bucket of diluted Lysol and a rag)
7. call the lawn guy to get the yard taken care of (Ryan is gone so I'm not about to do it, plus we got a good deal :-D)
8. wash and change bed linens (most definitely looking forward to putting a fitted sheet on a top bunk. yeehaw)
9. put away laundry that has been sitting folded and stacked all weekend. :-P
10. pick up prescription at Walmart I refilled four days ago

Procrastinate much? Heh. Hopefully this will help.

I had this saved as a draft, so I was excited to see I had already accomplished two of these goals.  I know paying a bill and picking up medicine may not seem like much but having to get dressed, get shoes on the kids, pile them in and out of the car is just never very appealing to me. I like to think my primary audience here is moms, so I know all you understand. :)

EDIT: two more goals I forgot to mention that will definitely need to be done this week: take the trash to the dump and get Hannah soccer cleats and shin guards for her first practice Thursaday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am your newest follower. I hope to homeschool one day. Hope you can stop by and visit.


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