Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'll Keep Future Visits a Surprise!

At the Memphis Zoo entrance
My parents came to visit us for the weekend.  I think my mom was tired of hearing about all our zoo adventures and she wanted to see it for herself. :) Let me tell you what I was tired of--Hannah counting down the days for a week straight!! Every single morning the first thing she said, "Only (x) more days until Grendy and Papaw get here!" Oh my gosh! I started to think that I should keep their visit a surprise, but before I could tell Ryan my idea he had already told Hannah they were coming. Oh, well.  We spent Saturday morning at the zoo, lunch at Chick Fila, took a nap, and then they took the kids to their hotel for the night!  Ryan and I took advantage and had a date! We had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack and saw the new Harry Potter (wonderful! I actually thought it was worth paying to see it in the theater!).  Sunday was church and then lunch at IHOP.  I actually ordered something light...kinda proud of myself. :) A great weekend and now the countdown to the Atlanta Zoo will begin!  Ten days!

Fun pics from the weekend:

post-zoo lunch at Chick Fila!

Autumn and Papaw at IHOP

cooling off at a misting station at the zoo...those things are amazing!

hanging out at the herpatarium

Grendy and Hannah at IHOP

Hannah and this super huge python..wow

Julie and Splish get a drink :)

lounging at the pool at Grendy and Papaw's hotel

Grendy comforting Autumn on the carousel...oy


Ryan is amazed by the steampot at Joe's!

sea lion show! so cute!

sweet sisters

1 comment:

Baby Shower Favors said...

Great surprises for the family.keep it up!


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