Friday, April 8, 2011

I love routine!

The older I get the more I'm realizing that almost nothing can be planned no matter how hard we try.  Even something as small as a daily routine is better off to just fall together by itself. Here is a look at a normal day of our lives.  This schedule is just what would most likely happen if we didn't have anywhere to go that day (which might happen 2 days out of 7!).

7AM - Kids get up (and in turn wake us) and have breakfast (the kids have been known to pick cereal over pancakes).  Coffee is started immediately!

8:30 - By this time the Today show gets boring so the kids watch Nick Jr. for an hour.

9 - snack

9:30 - play doh or craft

11 - lunch

12PM - quiet time...sometimes I get a sweet surprise and one (usually Autumn) takes a nap. :)

1:30 - Ryan leaves for work

2-3 - School! We usually do at least three subjects--reading, math, and whatever Hannah choose unless there is something in particular we have not done for a while.  Autumn now has her special school time puzzles and what not, so that works out very well.

3-4 - play outside depending on the weather

4-5 - a little more Nick Jr. while I figure out what to serve for dinner

5 - dinner

5:30 - baths after which the girls will play in their room while I watch some news.

7:30-8 - We have a Bible devotional, stories, and bed. The girls go to bed within a half-hour  of each other usually.

8-11 -  I enjoy time by my lonesome, whether it's surfing the net, some housework, watching TV, or preparing something for school.

11 - Ryan gets home from work and we chat about the happenings of our evening while getting ready to go to sleep.

12-12:30 - we go to sleep only to get up the next morning to do it all over again! :-D 

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