Monday, January 10, 2011

Week in Review #13

Feeding John, our beta fish
(not sure what they're looking
This was our first week back after Christmas and the new year. I am quite pleased at all we accomplished, although I am a bit ashamed we did not get to our bear unit that I was looking forward to (we did start on it today and it's so great!).  I think I was a bit focused on making sure we got all the basics covered and that we wouldn't have to do any massive review.  Fortunately, we were able to pick right up where we left off with no problem.
Instead of the kitchen, we have the desk in the living room which makes it a little  harder because that's where everyone congregates most of the time.  Ryan and I are talking about trying again with the girls sharing a room and even getting bunk beds.  We would use the other room as an office/hobby and school room.  Stay tuned...we'll see what pans out. :)

Math - A new thing Hannah learned this week was what a perimeter was and how to figure it out.  Anyone else learn that in Kindergarten? I didn't think so. Public school or homeschool, I think we can all agree Kindergarten has changed a lot! Hannah also used a math game on my iphone to practice addition, but she would much rather play Angry Birds on my iphone than do anything educational. :-p

Reading - We finished lesson #8 this week. Only 12 more to go! I have a feeling we might go into the summer with this, but that is fine. She is doing very well.  The letter sounds in the next lesson will be 'k' and 'ar'. 

Handwriting/Spelling - Almost every day this week we have a short spelling quiz as review and of course writing practice.  I saw her trying to write out all the names of her family like Grendy (gnrdy), Unkie (uggey), Bobbo (baubo), Papaw (papo)etc. I was very impressed, since I've never seen her try to spell something out on her own like that.

Geography - We reviewed the difference between deserts and prairies, and then we moved on to canyons and valleys.  She colored pictures of the Grand Canyon and Yosemite Valley.  Next week we will talk about the different bodies of water.

Hannah loooooooooooves to draw! This hobby seems to have only grown bigger since starting school.  We go through printer paper like nobody's business.  I looked into getting her a sketch pad but those are too expensive considering how much she draws. :) She also loves to paint and is still into painting Christmas-themed items such as reindeer and snowmen.  She can be found a lot in her room, sitting on a stool drawing at her easel. 

The girls and I checked out the Millington Public Library on Wednesday and stayed for story time.  The library is smaller than the one in Clarksville, but I know we will spend plenty of time there. It's free so you can't knock it! :)

My brothers were visiting a friend in Memphis so they stopped by for a couple hours to say hi.  Hannah showed off her bike riding skills, all before her Bobbo hit her in the face with a ball! Was it an accident? Guess we'll never know. ;-p

This picture on the right is one Hannah drew of Unkie and Bobbo giving each other high fives.  I don't think they actually did this but I thought it was pretty cute.

On a side note, be sure to click on the Top Mommy Blogs badge at the top left! Just clicking on it gives my blog a vote and helps with my ranking! I don't know if you can continuous click it, but clicking once or twice a day should help! :-D

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