Sunday, November 7, 2010

Days 16-20/33

Yes, I am still doing the challenge! I haven't forgotten about it or given up.  Our internet protection expired so naturally I was afraid to get online.  Couldn't renew it until payday (Thursday) but it's now renewed and everything is well in the world yet again. :)

2,925 (this was a Wednesday, what can I say? those are the worst for me :-/ not to mention the peak of my Halloween candy intake)
2,595 (I had baked banana bread and blondies--I'm thinking baked goods are a big trigger for me so I probably shouldn't be baking unless it's for some social function)

So, 3 out of 5 good days. Not too shabby at all. :-D

Exercise:  I had not been to the gym all week! It didn't seem like a good week for anyone to be able to baby sit the kids which I understand. I went for a walk yesterday pulling the kids in the wagon which felt great! I really need to get out and do that on days I don't make it to the gym. Here's to better exercise next week!

Food after 8 PM? Yes, pretty much every night. :-/

Bed by 10PM? Probably around 10:30 mostly.  I'm participating in NaNoWriMo so I like to do as much writing as possible after the kids go to bed. A good thing is between 10 and 10:30 I do feel myself getting sleepy so I think I have adapted my body to wanting to go to bed at a certain time. A very good thing.

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