Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Knot Forms

While I was on the internet the other morning ordering Hannah's homeschool curriculum, my stomach became one big knot.  Like, wow am I really going to do this? With all the back to school hoopla going on around us, I realize that the time is getting closer (not to mention I want to buy all the cute "college" stuff at Walmart.  I'm all for a purple coffee maker!).  Hannah is quite excited about school.  I wasn't sure how she would feel about it, since she had so much fun in PreK.  When we talk about it she keeps asking "Can we do school now!?" But she has done various workbooks and activities to keep her mind sharp. ;) I guess you can say we've been homeschooling a bit all summer.

This summer has gone by so fast, and I have truly enjoyed the time I spent with my girls. I can't wait for the curriculum to arrive and then we can dive into everything! Although I am hoping the curriculum will be here before Friday since that's the first day of public school. Being a newbie to all this I will probably start having thoughts of Hannah falling behind. :P

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